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26 August, 2022

Moving house can be a tedious and boring process. There's a lot to keep track of and many things to take care of. That's why we've put together a number of tips to give you a better overview of the process and make it a little more manageable. If you follow these tips, you'll hopefully have a smooth and pleasant move.

1. Tidy up your belongings thoroughly

Our first piece of advice is based on the part of the move that you should start with - tidying and sorting. We may have unknowingly accumulated a lot of clothes, kitchen items and the like that we don't use and that you probably won't use in your new home. There's no point in moving things that you're not going to use anyway, so it's a good idea to start by sorting through your belongings. Items that you no longer need can either be sold online, for example via DBA, or you can donate them to organizations such as Red Cross or DanChurchAid.

2. Book movers well in advance

If you need help from a moving company moving company for your private moveit's a good idea to book well in advance. Although there are many different moving companies, it's a good idea to book one well in advance as many can be fully booked if you choose to do it at the last minute.

3. Pack and sort well in advance

Once you've organized your belongings, it's time to start packing. The earlier you start packing your belongings, the more organized and thoughtful your packing will be. You can start by packing the items you won't need until after the move - preferably a month before you move.

4. Keep your moving boxes from getting too heavy

Watch your weight when packing your moving boxes. The rule of thumb is that the box shouldn't weigh more than 20 kilos, and ideally you should be able to lift it out with your arms straight for a few seconds. 

It's a good idea to pack heavy items in the bottom of the moving box so it doesn't collapse when boxes are stacked on top.

5. Use ink- and acid-free wrapping paper

If you need to wrap fragile items, it's a good idea to use blackened and acid-free wrapping paper that doesn't contain any toxic waste, such as newsprint.

6. Use labels to tell where the boxes are going

It's very common to write what the boxes contain on the outside with labels. If you instead write where each box goes after arrival, you'll save a lot of time rearranging afterwards. For example, winter jackets might go to the basement or extra plates might go to the attic instead of the kitchen.

7. Make sure you're packed for the day

If you have friends and acquaintances who have been kind enough to offer their help, it's a good idea to have everything prepared and ready for when they arrive. There's nothing more annoying than showing up to a moving mess.

8. Pamper your helpers

When your friends and acquaintances have been kind enough to volunteer to help with your move, it's a good idea to remember to treat them as a thank you for their help. Make sure there are plenty of drinks for them and end the day with pizza or something similar. That way, they'll hopefully want to help out if you have to move again one day.

9. Take pictures of advanced electronics

If you're not technically inclined, it can be a bit of a challenge to set up electronics after taking them down. If you're going to set up electronic devices yourself afterwards, it's a good idea to take pictures of them before you pack them up. That way you'll have a better chance of reassembling it later.

10. Empty the freezer in good time

One relatively important thing that is often forgotten is the freezer. A freezer needs at least one day, preferably two, to get rid of all the frost inside. It's therefore a good idea to empty and turn it off well in advance of the move. Then remember to empty it of water once everything has thawed.