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We value professionalism and professionalism. Independence and responsibility are paramount, while we welcome new ideas and offbeat thinking. We can teach you a lot, and conversely, we expect to learn from you. With us, you will have the opportunity to bring your skills into play in a complex and unpredictable workday, with lots of humor and freedom with responsibility.

Ledige job hos Mesterflyt

Mesterflyt er et anerkendt nationalt flyttefirma og brænder for det vi laver. Vi kan blandt andet tilbyde:

  • Et ungt og engageret og velfungerende medarbejderteam med højt humør 

  • Løn efter kvalifikationer og overenskomst

  • En alsidig hverdag og hvor dagene sjældent er ens

  • Mulighed for at arbejde med varierende opgaver

  • Mulighed for at blive tilknyttet en fast kunde med daglig arbejdsgang

Mover / Driver

Application deadline: Ongoing

Read more about the position here - Experienced mover

Call 61 700 750 to learn more about the opportunity to work at Mesterflyt.


Application deadline: Ongoing

Read more about the position here - Handyman

Call 61 700 750 to learn more about the possibility of a job at Mesterflyt.

Jobs at Mesterflyt

When you apply for a job with us, you will receive a confirmation immediately after we have received your application. We continuously assess the incoming applications and if your skills and profile match our expectations, you will be invited for an interview.

We are always on the lookout for new employees in the moving, freight, cleaning and construction industries.

We usually contact those already in our CV database before we post jobs. That's why it pays to send us an unsolicited application.

Your application should be motivated and include your CV, preferably with a photo.

Want to be part of our team?

Apply for a job at Mesterflyt