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Mesterflyt wants to create a sustainable future for moving in a global and changing world. With our sustainability strategy, we want to rethink solutions for the entire value chain, from planning, execution and completion of a moving process, which often involves many more steps than just the physical moving element.

Our purpose is to maintain a strong environmental future for the world we live in as we help fulfill the needs of our customers without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Vi er stolte over at kunne meddele, at vi har modtaget en bronzemedalje fra EcoVadis!

Dette er en anerkendelse af vores dedikation til bæredygtighed og ansvarlig forretningspraksis. Vi har arbejdet hårdt på at integrere miljøvenlige initiativer og etisk forsvarlige processer i alle aspekter af vores virksomhed, og denne pris er et bevis på vores indsats.

🌍 Hvorfor er dette vigtigt? 

EcoVadis er en global platform, der vurderer virksomheder på deres sociale, miljømæssige og etiske praksis. At modtage en bronzemedalje betyder, at vi er blandt de bedste i vores branche, når det kommer til bæredygtighed og social ansvarlighed.
🎯 Vores mission 

Vi fortsætter med at forbedre vores processer og stræber efter endnu højere standarder. Denne anerkendelse motiverer os til at blive endnu bedre og sikre, at vi altid leverer den højeste kvalitet af service samtidig med, at vi passer på vores planet.

  • "We have a huge responsibility to provide customers with climate-friendly and responsibly arranged moves. And we are very aware that we are borrowing and using society's shared resources to do so"


This ambition requires an in-depth focus on sustainability throughout the value chain.

At the core of our CSR strategy is the ambition to form partnerships that can lead us towards long-term and sustainable solutions. In addition, the strategy seeks opportunities for sustainable transportation, sustainable packaging materials and equal jobs for all. We want to ensure continuous innovative development in the market in close collaboration with customers, suppliers and partners.

We consider all the SDGs in every strategic decision we make. However, from 2020 we have chosen to put extra effort into goals 12 and 13 and partnered with Save the Children, who are working towards goals 4, 5, 10 & 16.

Among our efforts for Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production, we have chosen that all our packaging materials should be produced in a way that preserves forests and uses recyclable cardboard.

That's why our packaging boxes are made from a minimum of 70% recycled FSC-labeled paper and 25% sustainably sourced wood. Once the box has served its purpose, it is taken to a recycling center where the cardboard is recycled and used to make a moving box again. In this way, we are making another effort to meet UN Sustainable Development Goal number 12: RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION

Read our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy here


Mesterflyt - climate accounting

We understand the importance of taking action on climate change and playing our part in making the world a better place. We constantly work to minimize our environmental impact and implement best green practices in all our business activities. Here are some of the steps we've taken to make your moving experience with us as green as possible:

  • Climate-conscious company: Mesterflyt is committed to the green transition and has a documented climate account that shows our progress and ongoing efforts to reduce our CO2 emissions.

  • Reducing CO2 emissions: We have successfully lowered our CO2 emissions from 2021 to 2022 and are working to continue this trend in the coming years.

  • Improving operational efficiency: Through our focus on climate accounting, we have optimized our operations, which has also led to financial savings - a benefit we share with our customers in the form of competitive prices.

  • Green initiatives: We invest in green initiatives, including the use of sustainable packaging materials and energy-efficient transportation, to ensure our services are as sustainable as possible.

  • Contribute to Denmark's climate goals: By choosing Mesterflyt as your supplier, you support a company that actively contributes to Denmark's goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 70% in 2030 compared to 1990 levels.

  • Preparing for the future: We are being proactive and preparing for future green standards and requirements so that we can continue to offer you first-class service in a sustainable way.

  • Strong green brand: Our commitment to the green transition is not only good for the environment, it also strengthens our brand and trusted reputation, which is important to us and our customers. We work every day to be part of the solution, not the problem.

  • Motivated employees: Our climate accounting and sustainability initiatives engage our employees, resulting in a more motivated and productive team ready to meet your needs.

  • Transparency: We are open about our climate impact and our efforts to reduce it. We believe transparency is the key to trust and long-term relationships with our customers.

Our 8 environmental focus areas



We want to reduce the carbon footprint per kilometer driven. In the future, our cars will be CO2 neutral.

Approximately 6 percent of the total Danish CO2 emissions come from the Danish truck fleet. As a company in the transportation industry, we therefore have a great responsibility to reduce our footprint.

The crucial solution for this to happen is new technology and, not least, alternative fuels. Therefore, we have a constant focus on being at the forefront of green technologies. One of the ways we do this is through close collaboration with truck manufacturer Renault Trucks, which is a leader in sustainable technology.

In addition, we continuously train our drivers to drive in the most environmentally responsible way.


No. 2 - idling

We work hard to reduce empty vehicle driving - driving without freight is driving without meaning

Our removal vans usually run without goods when they are on their way to our private and business customers to be loaded and when the goods are unloaded again. These journeys are called empty runs. This means that large amounts of CO2 are emitted by transporting empty air.

The solution to the problem is called trip optimization and reloading. This means that empty moving vans are used to transport goods in the same area where they end a run. This requires highly efficient logistics. To optimize our share of reloads and thus save as many empty runs as possible, we have implemented one of the transport industry's leading fleet management systems, Eco Fleet.
In addition, we work with strategic parking of our vehicles so that they do not have to drive uselessly back to our head office.



We will have a constant focus on new and sustainable technology

Of course, the easiest way to emit less Co2 is to drive fewer kilometers.

Therefore, in connection with our overseas moves, we have deliberately chosen to use the Danish container ports rather than unloading in Hamburg, for example. Unloading in Hamburg, for example, can provide a shorter delivery time in relation to when the container arrives at its destination, but would have significantly increased our road transport, which we have actively chosen not to do. In our view, this is green responsibility.



We have partnered with Save the Children, who receive an annual donation of a certain amount to continue their work on the SDGs.

When we've decided to send a donation to Save the Children every year, it's not just a necessary duty. It's common sense. And wholehearted will.



We are committed to eliminating workplace accidents for our employees and our surroundings.

Our trucks can weigh anywhere from 3.5 tons to 26 tons. That's why we don't compromise when it comes to road safety and safety when loading and unloading.

Our drivers are continuously trained and have all passed a transportation course that gives them their driver training certificate, which teaches our staff about lashing, safe driving, and loading in cars.

As an important element of our safety work, we have created our own training portal where employees must pass specific pre-employment courses that are targeted to our daily work.



Decent working conditions for all employees under the current collective agreement

As a company, one of our biggest responsibilities is to take proper care of the people who spend half their time in the company.

That is why we at Mesterflyt attach great importance to ensuring that all employees are employed under applicable collective agreements. We are all equal regardless of income, religion, political views, nationality and skin color.



We have a huge focus on employee health and well-being.

To maintain a high level of health and well-being among our employees, we have partnered with the company Office-Fit. Through the collaboration with Office-Fit, we have a permanently assigned strategic health advisor who we can always contact, no matter what health challenge we are facing. Their Movement Concept helps us to promote health and well-being in our company. This concept is utilized by both our office staff and our employees on the road. At the same time, new health campaigns/challenges are regularly added that employees can do on site without equipment. This is promoted on the company's internal platforms.



We have a huge responsibility to provide customers with climate-friendly and responsibly arranged moves. And we're acutely aware that we're borrowing and using society's shared resources to do so

That's why we have decided that all our packaging materials should be produced in a way that emits as little CO2 as possible and that our cardboard packaging is produced in accordance with Preserving forestry.

That's why our cardboard packaging is made from a minimum of 70% recycled FSC-labeled paper and 25% wood from sustainable forestry. Once the box has served its purpose, it is taken to a recycling center where the cardboard is recycled and used to make a moving box again.