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12 October, 2022
Relocation for private families

A private move is already a big change that can be difficult both practically and emotionally. For a family with children, it can be an even more difficult process. But don't worry - we've put together some tips and advice for families with children facing a move.

Read more here about moving with children and learn how to make the process easy and enjoyable for all parties.

How do you tell your children that you're moving?

Moving house isn't easy and balancing the practicalities with life as a family with children can be difficult. It can be more complicated if the children are young and don't fully understand what it means to move. Conversely, it can also be tough if the children are older and have a network to move away from. Regardless of the age of the children, moving with children can present several challenges.

  • Break the news as early as possible: 

It's a big decision to make when you're moving your family. That's why it's usually a decision that's made many months before the actual move. If this is the case, it's a good idea to tell the children about the move as soon as it's finalized. The longer the children have to get used to the move, the easier it will be for them.

  • Prepare for the children's reaction:

You need to prepare for the fact that your children may be upset, angry or disappointed by the decision to move. Therefore, you need to prepare for their reaction so that you don't react negatively to their immediate response. In this case, two negatives don't equal a positive outcome - quite the opposite, in fact.

  • Acknowledge the children's feelings:

It's best to acknowledge your children's feelings regardless of their reaction to the move. Empathize with their feelings and help them to understand what they are feeling and how to deal with it. 

  • Give the kids details:

Everyone needs information about a new change if they are to process it. This also applies to children when they are moving house. So tell them all the information they need to know and answer their questions. By giving them details about their new home, you're giving them something to look forward to instead, turning any negative reaction into a positive one.

  • Show the kids their new home before you move:

In line with giving the kids something to get excited about, it's a good idea to show them pictures of their future home. Let them see pictures of their rooms and if possible, visit the house and your future hometown before your move.

  • Let the kids adjust to the new place:

A private move requires adjustment time for all parties, so give children time to get used to their new home. Although children's adaptability is far stronger and quicker than adults, a change as big as moving can require extra time. 

The practical moving tips for families with children

In addition to keeping an eye on the kids, there are also a lot of practical things to take care of. To make your private move as simple as possible, we've put together some tips for those who are moving house with children.

  • Plan and prepare for your move well in advance.
  • Let the kids be involved in the move itself.
  • Get childcare if you need it.
  • Pack room by room.
  • Pack the children's room last.

        A good start is half done, and if you plan your move carefully as a family, you'll be doing both your children and yourself a big favor. However, as a family with children, time is already at a premium and with a move on top of that, there are even fewer hours in the day. It can be a good idea to get outside help when moving with children.

        Let Mesterflyt help your family move

        If you are moving house with children, it is advantageous to use a professional moving company moving company. No matter where in Denmark your family with children is located, we are ready to help. At Mesterflyt , we have several years of experience with private moving, and we take pride in giving you more time for your family when you move.

        Give us a call on tel. +45 61 700 750 750 or fill out the contact form - and you'll receive a good and non-binding offer that suits you.