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Moving company in Kastrup

Mesterflyt is your professional moving company in Kastrup!

Mesterflyt serves a wide range of areas and cities on Zealand. If you need an efficient and competent moving company in Kastrup, read on!

Looking for a moving company in Kastrup?

Mesterflyt tilbyder både effektiv privatflytning og erhvervsflytning i Kastrup, og vi har gennem årene hjulpet mange forskellige kunder med at flytte i Kastrup. Vores erfaring har klædt os godt på, til at kunne udføre langt de fleste flytteopgaver. 

Blandt vores ydelser vil du finde alt lige fra transport fra A til B, til komplet nedpakning af al inventar og gratis lån af flyttekasser til handymanservice. Vores opgave er at sikre, at din flytning ikke går hen og bliver en lang og tung hovedpine – og den opgave har vi tænkt os at løse til UG! Med os som dit flyttefirma i Kastrup behøver du ikke at spørge venner og familie, om de kan hjælpe. Vi flytter alle dine ting hurtigt og effektivt. 

Mesterflyt er et flyttefirma, der elsker at flytte, og vi er din trofaste makker fra start til slut. Vi overholder alle aftaler, så du kommer godt på plads din nye bolig eller på det nye kontor. 

Moving company in Kastrup and surrounding areas with tailor-made solutions to suit you!

Mesterflyt helps with your business relocation in Kastrup

Vores mange års erfaring har klædt os på til at hjælpe dig med din erhvervsflytning i Kastrup. Mange virksomheder vælger at benytte sig af et professionelt flyttefirma, da en flytning kræver tid og meget intern koordinering.

Ved en erhvervsflytning er der ofte mange ting, der skal pakkes og flyttes. En komplet flytning vil derfor være fordelagtigt at vælge. Her vil vores medarbejdere pakke  møbler, IT-udstyr, kontorartikler m.m., og køre det til den nye adresse.

På den nye adresse vil vi også pakke alle ting ud samt sætte møbler pænt på plads. Ved en komplet flytning er I sikret, at I kommer godt på plads i jeres nye lokaler.

Your professional moving company in Kastrup
Get help with the entire move to and from Kastrup

Get a customized move

At Mesterflyt , we tailor a quote for you to meet all your needs. We operate in two categories:

Den almindelige flytning:

En klassisk og traditionel flytning helt som du kender den. Vi kommer og henter dine ting og kører dem til den nye adresse. Vi hjælper med nedbæring og opbæring. 

Den komplette flytning: 

Denne løsning er til dig, der gerne vil slappe helt af. Med den komplette flytning planlægger og koordinerer vi hele din flytning. Vi pakker al inventar ned og kører det til den nye adresse. På den nye adresse pakker vi også alt ud igen og stiller det pænt på plads. Alle vores medarbejdere er grundige og besidder den rette erfaring, så du kan roligt stole på, at al inventar og alle genstande bliver behandlet med respekt. På den nye adresse vil vores medarbejdere også hjælpe med at stille alle møbler på plads. 

Insured moving company in Kastrup

Although we have the right experience and a team of competent employees, Mesterflyt is insured by Tryg and a member of Dansk Møbeltransport. The insurance will make you 120% confident in letting us handle your next move. The moving insurance meets all the requirements of the Danish Furniture Transport Association. Mesterflyt is therefore the safe choice if you have furniture that you are particularly worried about or that may seem difficult to move.

With Mesterflyt as your moving company in Amager, you will find that we go the extra mile for all our customers. Our employees will handle your move with energy, loyalty and passion.  

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Frequently asked questions about private moving

How much does it cost to use you as movers?

The price for a move at Mesterflyt depends on several factors, such as the size of the move, the number of movers needed and the distance between the two addresses. Therefore, it can be difficult to give a fixed price without knowing more about the specific move. However, we are happy to come out for an inspection if needed, so you can get a tailored moving quote.

How long does a move take?

The time it takes to move depends on many factors, including the size of the move, the number of movers needed and the distance between the two addresses. Of course, if it's a long distance between your current home and your new address, it will also take more time to transport all your belongings. Feel free to contact us so we can give you an estimate of how long your move will take.

What to remember when moving?

Remember to inform the relevant authorities about your move. You must report a change of address to the National Population Register and your doctor, which can be done at In addition, there are a number of practical tasks that also need to be considered. For example, you may need to cancel your electricity, gas, water and landline telephone, if it is still active, and have it reported to the new address. It's also important to read the electricity, gas and water before handover and to make sure you have all the keys and codes for any alarms.

What to prepare before you arrive?

Unless you've ordered a full move, make sure you've packed all your belongings in boxes and labeled them correctly so we know what needs to be moved where. It's also important to make sure there is free access to both addresses so we can easily move your belongings in and out.

If you've booked a full move, remember to collect all important items such as keys, important papers, medication or other important belongings that you don't want the movers to pack. Put them in a "sacred" place, such as on the dining table, so you can keep track of them yourself and explain to the movers that these should stay put. Then the movers can take care of packing your remaining belongings without you missing any essential items.

Which parts of Denmark are you moving to?

We cover all of Denmark, so whether you're moving from Copenhagen to Aarhus or from Aalborg to Bornholm, we can help you. Contact us for more information about our coverage area.

Get a quote from our moving company in Kastrup

Do you have any questions or would you like a non-binding offer for your move to or from Kastrup? Call us on 59 911 911or fill out our contact form and we will get back to you with a non-binding offer.