A competent and experienced moving company in Hvidovre
Vi ved alle, hvilken kamp det kan være at finde den rette bolig i hovedstaden, uanset om det er centralt eller lidt længere ude, som f.eks. i Hvidovre.
Hos Mesterflyt mener vi derfor ikke, at flytningen også bør være en kamp. Vi udbyder derfor en række af forskellige ydelser, som alle sammen har til formål at gøre din flyttedag mindre præget af stress.
På den måde kan du holde fokus på, hvor fantastisk det er, at du har fundet et nyt hjem et sted i Danamrk.
Quality assured residential and commercial relocation
Vores flyttefirma i forstår, at flyttedagen kan være forbundet med meget bekymring, stress og rod. Derfor er det vores prioritet at sørge for, at din flyttedag går så gnidningsfri som muligt. Vi har års erfaring med både privatflytninger og erhvervsflytninger, og uanset hvad dine behov er, er vi klar til at yde lige dét ekstra.
Vores flyttefirma i Hvidovre består af kompetente flyttemænd, som gør sit ypperste for, at dine ting bliver sikkert nedpakket, adskilt og transporteret til dit nye hjem.
We believe that a smooth and stress-free start to a new chapter is essential. Contact us today to learn more about our moving prices and options.
Forsikret flyttefirma i Hvidovre
Når du vælger os som dit flyttefirma i Hvidovre, kan du være sikker på en tryg og sikker flytning. Vi lægger stor vægt på, at vores kunder føler sig i gode hænder gennem hele processen.
Vores omfattende erfaring kombineret med en forsikring hos Tryg giver dig ekstra ro i sindet. Denne forsikring overholder alle krav fra Dansk Møbeltransport Forening, hvilket gør os til det pålidelige valg, især hvis du har værdifuldt eller vanskeligt flyttegods.
Læs mere om vores flytteforsikring i dag!
Skal vi flytte for dig i Hvidovre?
Har du brug for hjælp til at flytte til eller fra Hvidovre? Vores engagerede team sikrer en tryg oplevelse fra start til slut.
Kontakt os på tlf: 61 700 750 for mere information, eller læs flere gode råd om flytning og nedpakning her.
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Fill out the form to get a quote for your next move.
Phone number:
Address:Rørvangsvej 43A, 4300 Holbæk
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Frequently asked questions about private moving
The price for a move at Mesterflyt depends on several factors, such as the size of the move, the number of movers needed and the distance between the two addresses. Therefore, it can be difficult to give a fixed price without knowing more about the specific move. However, we are happy to come out for an inspection if needed, so you can get a tailored moving quote.
The time it takes to move depends on many factors, including the size of the move, the number of movers needed and the distance between the two addresses. Of course, if it's a long distance between your current home and your new address, it will also take more time to transport all your belongings. Feel free to contact us so we can give you an estimate of how long your move will take.
Remember to inform the relevant authorities about your move. You must report a change of address to the National Population Register and your doctor, which can be done at borger.dk. In addition, there are a number of practical tasks that also need to be considered. For example, you may need to cancel your electricity, gas, water and landline telephone, if it is still active, and have it reported to the new address. It's also important to read the electricity, gas and water before handover and to make sure you have all the keys and codes for any alarms.
Unless you've ordered a full move, make sure you've packed all your belongings in boxes and labeled them correctly so we know what needs to be moved where. It's also important to make sure there is free access to both addresses so we can easily move your belongings in and out.
If you've booked a full move, remember to collect all important items such as keys, important papers, medication or other important belongings that you don't want the movers to pack. Put them in a "sacred" place, such as on the dining table, so you can keep track of them yourself and explain to the movers that these should stay put. Then the movers can take care of packing your remaining belongings without you missing any essential items.
Get a quote from our experienced movers in Hvidovre
Do you have questions or would you like a non-binding quote for your move in Hvidovre? Call us on 59 911 911or fill out our contact form and we will get back to you with a non-binding offer.